Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for span in Spanish

noun | verb

span noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
lapso, espacio (de tiempo); luz (entre dos soportes)

Detailed synonyms for span noun

See: Range

span verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
spanned, has spanned, is spanning, spans
abarcar (un período de tiempo), extenderse sobre (un espacio)

Example sentences of
span verb

  • His career as a singer spanned three decades.
  • Their empire once spanned several continents.
  • Her academic interests span a wide variety of topics.
  • A bridge spans the river.

Related phrases for span

Reverse translation for span

lapso  - lapse, space (of time) 
espacio  (de tiempo) - space, room, period, length (of time) 
luz  (entre dos soportes) - light, lighting, electricity, window, opening, light, lamp, span, spread (between supports) 
abarcar  (un período de tiempo) - to cover, to include, to embrace, to undertake, to monopolize 
extenderse sobre  (un espacio)